The Winter’s Tale

Mona Vale Garden
February 14th – 24th

Performances are 6pm every night,
with 2pm Matinees on both Saturdays.

For this year’s Summer Shakespeare Festival, Top Dog Theatre continues the tradition of bringing Shakespeare alive and accessible in the open air, returning with a fine evening of entertainment.

Polixenes, King of Bohemia, has been on a nine-month visit to the court of his childhood friend Leontes, King of Sicilia, and his wife, Queen Hermione. Groundlessly, Leontes becomes convinced that his heavily pregnant wife has been having an affair with Polixenes. And from there is goes from bad to worse, only there’s a little twist at the end, to send you home smiling. Come see what we do..

Providing a fantastic opportunity for Christchurch residents to see a rare performance of Shakespeare, the newly reopened Mona Vale Homestead and grounds play host to groups of friends and families who are encouraged to bring picnics, blankets and cushions for matinees and evening performances.

Toilets and refreshments on site.

Sit on a picnic blanket, (at the front) or low/high chair (seating is segregated for audience viewing) and remember to bring plenty of warm clothing.

The Mound Lawn, Mona Vale Gardens, Christchurch