Directed by Derek Doddington
University Theatre, Arts Centre, Christchurch
Rob Tilby plays Golly (BEST ACTOR)
Jay Versteeg plays Arabella (BEST ACTRESS)
Scott Koorey plays Jo-Jo
Chris Domigan plays Lieutenant Bravo
Cheryl Anglesea is Production
Craig Blaikie is Technical (BEST TECHNICAL)
The District round of the Festival was held in the St James Theatre, Westport on 24th July 2004. Derek was proud of the team, as he was presented with a cup for the Best Drama of the festival, and then a beautiful trophy for Best Overall Production for the festival.
With this Top Dog Theatre progressed through to the South Island Finals, held at Logan Park High School, Dunedin, on August 20th 2004. Top Dog Theatre again took first prize for Best Overall Production, and along with five other productions from both the North and South Islands, were then entered into the all New Zealand Finals.
The finals are held at the Cue Theatre, Inglewood, Taranaki, on 10th and 11th September 2004.