
Fri 27th Aug to Sat 11th Sept 2010
EXTENDED RUN: 16th – 18th September
by Ben Elton
Directed by Derek Doddington

The Loons Theatre, Lyttelton

Ben Elton’s Best Selling novel Popcorn sat at the top of the Best Selling list for some time and was translated and published widely around the world. before being turned into a tremendously successful West End and Broadway play.

Film director Bruce Delamitri, makes very violent but stylish movies. ‘Bruce’s movies are hip. Post-modern cinematic milestones, dripping with ironic juxtaposition. His killers are style icons. They walk cool, they talk cool. Getting shot by one of them would be a fashion statement’ (from book cover).

Wayne and Scout are psychopaths who are killing people without apparent reason. Many people consider Bruce’s films to be the cause of the violence. As a way of avoiding the death penalty they decide that Bruce must take responsibility. They break into his house on Oscars Night and a terrible siege begins.

After the final bloodbath, arguments continue over who is responsible for a violent society, and this violence in particular.