Directed by Derek Doddington
Jack Mann Drama Room, College of Education, Christchurch
Set in London, “Kvetch” is an outrageously funny adult insight to what people are really thinking; awarded “Best Comedy” by The Evening Standard, in 1991.
KVETCH is a play about sharing with the audience your subconscious thoughts, whilst you’re talking to someone… because, of course no-one really says what they’re truly thinking..
A Jewish husband and wife and the mother in law, at home around the table. He invites his friend to stay. So we see and hear what each of them are saying and thinking as the conversation grows. Introduce the husband’s wholesaler, whom he loathes, but has to suck up to, and let the action begin…
Berkoff’s brilliance lies in his genius with words. He constructs moments like precision machinery that, once set in motion, drives home his points with a dark and furious passion for the comical truths that underlie, tease and torment our daily lives.
This production is advised for audiences of 18+ years. No Nudity or Violence, but Strong Adult Themes.
Kvetch manages to be both laugh-out-loud funny and deeply moving. Perhaps it will also be revealing and comically alarming, as each of us sees a little something in one or two of the characters.
Destined for a sell-out run this is a must-see show, where bookings are essential.